Sunday, April 24, 2011

Fish Oil and Pregnancy: Give Birth to a Bouncing Baby..

Over the years the studies of omega-3 fatty acids and fish reveal a startling fact: there is indeed a connection between fish oil and pregnancy. Fish oil contains DHA and EPA, which are needed both by the mom and the baby.

Benefits of Fish Oil Capsules

One of the recently known benefits of fish oil—and omega 3, in particular—is that it can promote fertility. A lot of women are finding it difficult to bear a child because of their irregular menstrual cycles. By taking something that’s enriched with omega 3, you can help correct this problem and give yourself a much higher chance to bear a baby.

It’s also known that omega 3 is badly needed by the mom while she is still pregnant. When she doesn’t have enough of these fatty acids, she will be more prone to prenatal labor or worse miscarriage. When the baby is not carried into full term, certain body parts may not become fully developed. There’s also the possibility of giving birth to an underweight baby.

Omega 3 can also greatly reduce pre-eclampsia, which normally happens to around 10 percent of pregnancies worldwide. This is a serious case where the mother and the baby can possibly die. The baby may also develop growth retardation.

DHA, one of the main components of omega 3, comprises a third of the baby’s brain weight. Simply put, children with enough DHA will develop more enhanced brain function and eyesight. Studies show they fare well than those whose mothers have not taken any omega 3 supplements. They have better hand-to-eye coordination, as well as learn to read, analyze, and write at a much earlier age. They will also turn out to be healthier and happier kids.

Omega-3 can also control mood disorders, including post-natal syndrome.

Should I Take Fish Oil?

There are many ways to getting omega 3. For one, you can dine on fish and other seafood. The problem, however, is these marine resources can become so polluted with metals such as lead, mercury, and PCB. You may pass these on to your unborn baby when you eat raw fish.

Hence, the suggestion is to just take fish oil, which can come in different forms including pills.

How to Take Fish Oil

The recommended dosage for fish oil during pregnancy will be at least 300 mg every day. However, before you decide to take any fish oil for pregnant women, you need to consult first your gynecologist. This is especially necessary if you’re taking vitamins or under certain medications or treatments.

You also have to follow the directions provided for in the supplement. There’s also the relationship between too much fish oil and pregnancy. One of the possible side effects is developing severe allergies.

What’s the deal with fish oil and pregnancy? It has been found out that the current diet pregnant women follow lacks essential fatty acids including omega 3. However, you cannot afford not to take it especially if it’s your baby’s health on the line. To ensure the betterment of your and the baby’s health, take fish oil supplements.

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