Sunday, November 14, 2010

I’m having a baby!

Dalam minda slalu duk fikir 'Kenapa x period2 lagi ni eh?'. Dah lewat 8 hari..Tapi sebelum ni pun pernah gak lewat period. Actually, aku dan hubby dah stop planning since lepas raya Sep 2010 hari tu..Hehehe.. Tu yang rasa berdebar2 tu tinggi sebab period lewat..

Kawan2 kat opis duk suruh aku pergi test pregnancy..Aku cam sabar dulu..Hehehe..Then, hari Khamis lepas, aku test sendiri kat rumah, ada 2 line, 1 terang and 1 tak berapa terang...Opppsss, am I pregnant?

Balik umah terus btau Hubby. Dua2 dah terkejut..Malam tu, tido pun dah x lena, pusing sana pusing sini, rasa cam x selesa. Takut apa2 jadi kat perut..

So hari ni, kul 11 cam tu, aku pergi buat pregnancy test kat Klinik Kita Desa Pandan..

Doktor : Ni kehamilan pertama awak ke?
Aku : Ha aa (Dlm hati, wow pregnant ke ni? :-D)
Doktor : Bila last period awak?
Aku : 7 Oct 2010
Doktor : Mengikut perkiraan saya, kandungan awak baru berusia 5 weeks and 4 Days and your due date is 16 July 2011
Aku : Dalam hati (Perasaan bercampur2..Happy sangat!! Bersalin sebelum puasa..Ngeeee)
Doktor : Buat masa skrang, saya akan kasi awak makan Acid Folic dulu ya..Lagi sebulan datang buat check up lagi..
Aku : Thanx doc!

Seharian aku duk sms adik aku, kakak ipar and member2, supliment apa nak makan. Suggestion :

1) Acid Folic
2) Susu Enfamama
3) Neurogain

Aku kena lebih hati2 kali ni. Jangan duk clumsy sangat!!

Week 5: Teeny tiny baby steps

Fetal development in pregnancy week 5:

Embryo in second month : The changes to your growing embryo are not quite as drastic this week as they've been in the last few weeks. Growth is now largely focused on their little head, which is starting to develop much more rapidly than the rest of their tiny body. This is because their amazing brain is undergoing some very crucial and rapid development in order to effectively regulate their heart rate, blood circulation, and other vital functions. As for the rest of their miniature body, what were simple limb buds last week are limb flippers this week and the tail is more expressed. Amazingly, within a mere five weeks your little miracle is already developing the rudimentary forms of their liver, pancreas, lungs, stomach and nasal pits while their little heart is already increasing its circulation. Your baby is now a whopping 4-6mm in length.